Books  Written By Our Pastors

Newest Book!  215 Questions for Couples Wanting a Deeper Relationship

Once we become comfortable in a marriage it is easy for our conversations to focus on calendars and the business of marriage. We can lose the "spark"because we have stopped learning about and being fascinated by each other. These 215 simple questions are designed to help you keep learning. It is fun and helpful for reminding you whatdrew you to your partner in the first place.  See on Amazon

Ready for Anything

In some respects a memoir of Bruce's ministry in La Harpe for over 40 years. the book is filled with personal stories. Some are outrageously funny, others are deeply moving. A quick and fun read that will give you a glimpse of pastoral ministry.

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This book combines the story of Bruce Goettsche and the art of Dana and Ainsley Blythe. This is a book for early readers or pre-readers. The story is about respecting the Masterpiece that God created all of us to be.
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Just Different

The second book by Bruce and Dana. This book encourages children and adults to see past the differences in people to see the person. In an age of bullying, a great book.
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Chocolate Words

This is an unforgettable story that shows children (and their parents) the damaging nature of gossip. In this book, Bruce teams up with his niece, Lauren Moneghitti as the artist.

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What is Kindness?

Bruce and Dana Blythe team up to give practical illustrations of what kindness means in an increasingly me-focused world.

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Facing Fear

Bruce and Dana take on a problem facing many young children. This story centers on the reality that a child is never alone . . .God is always with them and He is stronger than anything that can come against them.

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Faith Lessons: Lessons in Faith from Genesis

This is the first of the Bible Study books from Bruce. There are 30 chapters that take you systematically through the various stories of the Book of Genesis. You will see Genesis as you have never seen it before. This is not a commentary. It is written for the person in the pew who wants to understand this foundational book of the Bible. There are discussion questions at the end of each chapter make it suitable for group study.

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Difficult People: Dealing with Those Who Drive You Crazy

This is a book that deals with conflict in the church.  It is the first co-written book by Bruce and Rick. At the time of writing Rick was still in college! The insights are practical and sometimes pointed. A good book for boards and committees and for churches facing (or hoping to avoid) conflict.

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Lessons in the Wilderness: Life Lessons from Exodus-Deuteronomy

This book is in some ways the sequel to Faith Lessons. In a similar fashion Bruce takes some of the key stories of Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy and shines a new light on them showing how these stories teach us practical lessons for today. Again, there are study questions at the end of each chapter for personal use or small groups, Bible Studies, or Sunday School classes.

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Songs of the Heart - Studies in Selected Psalms

Bruce looks at 18 Psalms in the Bible exploring the richness and practical nature of these Psalms in our daily lives. Questions are at the end of each chapter for individual or group study.

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Walking with Jesus: The Path of Discipleship (Ephesians)

This is the second book written by Bruce and Rick.The book focuses on the last three chapters of Ephesians (only briefly touching on the armor of God). This is a very practical call to discipleship by the Apostle Paul explored by our Pastors. It is again written to be used for group or individual study.

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Joy: Finding It, Keeping It (Philippians)

This is an engaging study in the most joy-filled letter written by the Apostle Paul. It is a book that will encourage you in all aspects of your walk with God. There are questions at the end of each chapter.

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Finding Your Way Through the Fog - Colossians

In this book Bruce looks at Paul's instructions to the Colossians who were confused in their faith. This book deals with important doctrinal and extremely practical issues. There are questions for group study.

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60 Days of Wisdom: A Devotional Journey Through Proverbs

This book contains 60 days of devotional reflections that come from the book of Proverbs, the book of wisdom in the Bible.

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Meeting With God Vol. 1

This is a 365 day devotional. There is a Scripture, reflection about the text and a prayer for every day. Days are numbered so you can begin reading at any time and pick up where you left off if you miss a day.
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Meeting with God - Year 2

365 more devotional texts and thoughts from Bruce Goettsche.

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Meeting with God - Year 3

A third year of Devotions for your personal study.

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Rebuilding Your Life After Grief and Loss

This is a short book designed to help people navigate through the difficult work of grief. The book is designed to be an easy read and very practical.
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A Christian Handbook for Surviving Divorce (When you don't want to be divorced)

This is an intentionally short book on how best to pick up the pieces after divorce has come crashing into your life. Bruce mixes his personal experience and the wisdom he has gained from years of working with couples to give a very practical "survival guide" to people reeling from divorce.

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