Some Questions from the congregation and beyond
This is a sample of some of the questions asked and answered at the end of our worship time when time is available. We continue this practice and invite you to watch some of the worship services FOLLOWING THE LAST HYMN to see other questions or to watch our livestream each week to see what new questions are addressed.
JUNE 12, 2022
1. We appreciate all you do for the church. What can we do to encourage you? (23:31)
2. What does the Bible say about cremation. (25:17)
3. What is our church's approach to selecting music? (28:07)
4. If God knows all our needs, why pray?(29:29)
5. Why do you preach from the center of the platform instead of behind the pulpit. (32:05)
June 26, 2022
- I feel my prayers are not good because they are repetitious and I often lose my concentration when praying. How can I pray more effectively? (28:00)
- The Hubble Telescope shows things that are a billion year old, how does that fit with the Biblical doctrine of Creation? (31:12)
- We talk a great deal about salvation as a free gift so why is repentance a prerequisite? (34:09)
- When Dave purchased land from Araunah to stop the plague, 2 Samuel says he paid 50 silver coins, in Chronicles is says 600 gold coins. Is this a contradiction?