
Pastors & Staff

Rick Goettsche

Senior Pastor

Rev. Rick Goettsche (pronounced Get-she) was born and raised in the Union Church. His father, Bruce was the Senior Pastor for 43 years. Rick returned to serve as the Associate Pastor at the church in August of 2006. When Bruce retired in 2025, Rick took over as the Senior Pastor.

Rick graduated from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville in 2005 with a degree in biology. During that time, he served as the president of the Baptist Student Ministries for 3 years. Instead of going to medical school as he originally planned, he felt called into ministry. After working a year at Stephen Ministries in St. Louis, he came on staff at the Union Church as the Associate Pastor. While on staff, Rick completed his Master's Degree through Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He earned a Master of Arts in Religion with an emphasis in Pastoral Counseling in 2011. Shortly thereafter, he was ordained.

Rick is married to Ashlee, and they have two daughters, Grace and Glory, and a dog, Lily.

Rick co-authored Difficult People: Dealing With Those Who Drive You Crazy and Walking with Jesus with his dad. His is one of two voices you will regularly hear on the "God's Truth for Daily Living" radio broadcast (the other is Bruce--some broadcasts are from years past.)

Rick has a love of science and apologetics, believing that both bolster his faith and understanding of who God is. He has a passion for helping people understand God's Word and apply it to their lives. He plays the guitar and is fascinated by gadgets of every kind. He is a popular photographer in the area and is our go-to "tech guy."

Rick is currently holding down the responsibilities of Senior Pastor as well as Associate Pastor while we look for an additional ministry staff person.
OFFICE HOURS: Rick is generally in the office every morning except Thursday (his day off) from 8:00-Noon.  He is not always in the office on Saturdays, but is usually accessible via e-mail and text wherever he is.  He is available at other times by appointment.

Part-time staff members

Dave Clover

Office Manager

Dave is usually the voice you will hear when you call the church and during the summers you will often see him at the concession stand grilling something. Dave handles all the business areas of our ministry. He also keeps the Pastors “on task.” Dave is in the office every weekday morning (he is not in the office on Saturdays).

Dave is a dad and grandpa, is a member of the La Harpe City Council, helps coach Jr. High Girls Basketball, and loves to golf and bowl. He is an avid Chicago and Illini Sports fan and an active supporter of local sports teams. He is usually found with a bucket of iced tea.

Cindy Anders

Bell Choir Director

Cindy leads the Bells of Praise. Cindy is married to Tracey Anders. Cindy also plays the piano. 

Thelma Smith


Thelma has played the organ for over 40 years and has anchored the church music program for the last 30+ years. Thelma is married to R. A. Smith. Thelma is also involved in the Bells of Praise. 

Phyllis Brummitt


Phyllis is the pianist at our 10:30 worship service. Phyllis is from Fort Madison, and has her Master’s degree in Piano. Phyllis graduated from Moody Bible Institute. 

Lynne Ward, Kathy Butler, and Mary Ann Siegworth


These ladies serve as our pianists for our 8:00 worship service.

Teri Finch
